// // Peru: financing of cluster munition producers is prohibited under the Convention on Cluster Munitions – Stop Explosive Investments

Peru: financing of cluster munition producers is prohibited under the Convention on Cluster Munitions

Peru is the latest country to join the growing group of States that view investments in cluster munition producers as prohibited.

From 4-6 September 2017 the yearly Meeting of States Parties of the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) takes place in Geneva. During this multilateral meeting a delegate of Peru issued the statement that Peru considers investments to be prohibited under the CCM:

“Peru (…) understands the interpretation of Article [1]1.c of the Convention (…) includes a prohibition in the investments in cluster munitions, that is to say, provide financial assistance to producers of such weapons.“[1]

The Stop Explosive Weapons campaign welcomes the statement by Peru. This type of statements strengthens the international norm that investment in producers of cluster munition producers are prohibited under the Convention. Please refer to our 2017 update of the Worldwide Investment in Cluster Munition report for reference to 38 other States that have expressed the view that investment are or should be prohibited. The report also shows how these statements have contributed to the reduction of investments in cluster munition producers.

The full text of the interpretive statement by Peru (in Spanish) is available here.