
On 3 December 2018,  CMC  member organisation  PAX (Netherlands) published the 9th and last update of the report ‘Worldwide Investments in Cluster Munitions: A shared responsibility‘. The report offers an overview of the involvement of financial institutions worldwide in companies that produce cluster munitions. It also shows banks, pension funds and insurers from around the world that no longer invest in companies making cluster bombs or have limited their investments. Finally, it includes examples of good state practice in this regard. 

The first edition of the report was first published in 2009 in cooperation with FairFin (Belgium), and subsequent updates were published in:  

2010 full report, 2010 summary findings, 

2011 full report, 2011 summary findings,  

2012 full report, 2012 summary findings,  

2013 full report, 2013 summary findings, 

2014 full report, 2014 summary findings,  

2016 full report, 2016 summary findings  

2017 full report, 2017 summary findings. 

If you want to read more recent updates, you can check out the Cluster Munition Monitor reports. These annual reports by the Cluster Munition Monitor present annual data on the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of cluster munitions, as well as the universalization of the Convention on Cluster Munitions.